Thursday, June 2, 2011


Well, out of no where, last night, June 1st, we decided to see how Evan would do with bananas. He did fantastic!! I really feel like he was ready for solids and I am glad I did not wait. He will only be getting solids at night and just a little, but it should get him used to foods and the eating process. We skipped rice cereal because his doctor said it just wasn't necessary. We are going to stick with bananas for the next few days then move on to either avocado or sweet potato. For those of you that don't know, I am making Evan's baby food, so I am starting with foods that just require mashing and you don't really 'make.' I am so pleased that he did so well. I honestly thought we would try it and he would hate it and constantly spit it all out of his mouth. He was a very clean eater and ate everything we put in.

Now, one thing I don't like is the outcome of eating solids. Diapers are not fun :) I have had two banana diapers...enough said!

On a brighter note, Evan slept for ten hours last night. That is a record for him. I am not sure if it is a fluke or has something to do with having solids in his belly. We will see tonight.

Evan ready for his food!


Eating! Hooray!

"What is this??"

A LONG video of Evan enjoying his first food, banana!
Ok. It isn't loading the video...maybe tomorrow!

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