Thursday, April 28, 2011

We are on a misson...

Mark and I are trying to get Evan to go to bed earlier. Evan usually takes a nap around 7 or 8 and will stay asleep until 10:30, eat, then go to sleep. Well, we just wanted to see what happens when we put him in his crib at seven, ready for bed. So, that is what we are trying tonight. I don't have much confidence, but it is 9:50 and he is still sound asleep. Plus, I figured if he wakes up early, I will have the royal wedding to watch.

In addition to putting him to bed early, we have started a bedtime routine. I'll feed him and burp him, Mark and I will change him and put on his nighttime diaper, one of us will read him a story while rocking him, and then we both put him to sleep in his crib. It worked well the past two nights. We got him to bed a little earlier. I think about 10 or 10:30. Hopefully, soon enough we will have normal bedtime hours. It has been really nice tonight because Mark and I get to have us time. Granted we aren't doing anything exciting, just wanted the Mav's!!

So Happy!

I'm so cute I'm Dangerous

Fun times!

I just woke up and I had a great nap!!

He is yelling and a fun way!

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