Thursday, April 12, 2012


Today was tunnel day at Gymboree and my first thought was 'great, Evan hates tunnels!' Well, to my surprise Evan went through almost all of the tunnels and loved it! He used to just stare into the tunnels and watch all the other kids go through, but this time he was showing all the other kids how to do it. I know it's silly, but I was such a proud mommy! 

In the meantime, Evan has started this terrible habit. Every time he wants me to take him out for a walk he will climb up on his stroller. Then, he gets stuck on his stroller. I finally got a few pictures of it today because it happens at least once a day. I guess the good news is I should be skinny because I go on at least one walk a day. I have an outdoors man on my hands!

Sharing his snack.
Just relaxing
Mom, I am ready for my walk.
Quit taking pictures and put me in the stroller...


  1. Is his chair from Pottery Barn? I've been thinking about getting Palmer one, either from there or from Land of Nod. I think he would love climbing all over it!

  2. Yes Pottery Barn Kids. Evan loves it!! Great for climbing!
