5am Wake up!
6am Play upstairs: Play with toys for a millisecond then moves on to dangerous things he is not allowed to play with. For example: play under the side table, find any and all cords that are somewhat visible. jump on top of the printer, stand on the stairs, crawl EVERYWHERE, eat anything visible on the floor, try to eat the dogs toys, play with the dogs, stand up on the furniture, eat the couch, pull up on the table, grab everything off the table.
8am Breakfast: eggs, toast, and banana!
9am play downstairs: Play with toys for a millisecond, play in coffee table, swing the swing, crawl EVERYWHERE, play in the dogs bowls, play with the dogs, find any and all cords to play with, cry so mommy will hold him, practice standing, fall over, read a book.
10am nap time
11am snack time: yogurt
and so on......
I can not believe this boy has grown so fast! He is just pure trouble. Of course, I love him to death, but I swear I look away for a mili-mili-second and he has done something! I am afraid of what he is going to get into next!
Also, just want to say. My computer is not working. I am uploading pictures from my phone onto facebook for now. I hope to start uploading my pictures on to Mark's computer, but I haven't had the chance to try yet! So bare with me as I figure it all out! I promise I have a bunch of good pictures coming.