It is so hot here that Evan and I are avoiding doing pretty much anything that requires leaving the house. We have run some errands, but make them as quick as possible. I can't believe we have had 50 days over 100 degrees and 30 something consecutive days over 100. I can not even remember the last time that it rained. My garden is done for. Mark and I finally just stopped watering it because it was wasting water, that we (Texas) don't have, and the plants weren't even growing. So I guess when I am stuck at home, I take a lot of pictures. I need to get a camera that actually takes good pictures instead of using my iphone.
Evan is just growing up too fast. He is grabbing food. Mainly with his fist which makes it hard for him to get it in his mouth. It is so cute because he will grab the food, open his mouth really big, then just stick his whole fist in his mouth. He will get it down soon enough. He has mastered holding the cup, but still isn't completely sure how to drink out of it or maybe he just doesn't want to. He is also getting close to crawling. He gets in position, rocks, the usually decided to roll. Right now he will just roll to get himself around. Fine by me. I am not ready to have a crawling baby yet. Our biggest news is Evan has TWO teeth! They are both finally in on the bottom. They have not come all the way up, but they have broken through the skin. I can not believe he has teeth because Mann's don't get teeth until they are practically one and Mark didn't get his until he was 7 months. Evan somehow got all of the recessive genes. Hopefully, he somehow got the height gene too! I know, I know, wishful thinking! I think that is about it. He is just a happy growing boy.
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