Ugh. Stupid Park Cities Volkswagen! Saturday, we had an appointment to take my car in at 8:45 for its 40,000 mile tune up and there was some recall on my transmission. I had called the service department on Thursday and made my appointment. Mark and I actually had to wake Evan up on Saturday morning, that never happens. We wake him up and leave by eight because we have to go to Dallas. Once we get their, Mark goes and check the car in while I switch Evan's car seat to the truck. It was a pain and already hot at 9am. I think I was drenched in sweat by the time the car seat was in! It took Mark 45 minutes to get the car checked in. At this time we find out that they don't have the part to fix my car for the recall. UGH. Are you kidding me? I made the appointment for the recall, we come all the way down here, and you tell me you don't have the part?? I was furious. On top of that, apparently it cost 600 dollars for the 40,000 mile tune up. What are they doing? Giving me a new engine!? We decided we would just take the car home and come back later. It did not make for a good start to our Saturday, but thankfully, Evan was just along for the ride and didn't have a problem with any of it!
We headed to Northpark after that to get Evan a Halloween costume. We had a 25% off coupon at Gymboree, so we thought we would check it out. Unfortunately, we were there at about 9:30 and the mall didn't open until ten. We had some fun just walking around the mall with Evan. At least it was air conditioned. Finally at ten, the mall opened and we went to Gymboree. They actually had a lot of cute stuff. All we bought was a DRAGON costume! Evan looked super cute it! Northpark had Stephanie's Day going on. A lot of booths, entertainment, and information on kids with special needs. A very eye opening experience! Evan enjoyed watching the clown and was fascinated by balloons. He even watched the ducksand turtles splash around in the water.
That afternoon, we headed to Uncle Matt's apartment. He was nice enough to invite us over for burgers and hot dogs before the Rangers game. Unfortunately, Evan was pretty exhausted at this point and was not really a happy camper. He played for a bit, screamed for a lot of bit, and then didn't nap. Thankfully, he fell asleep on the way to the game. Once we got into the stadium, Evan had a great time. We made sure to give him a lot of ice water. We wet his head a few times and even rubbed ice on his neck. He seemed happy and content, but with a 103 degree night we had to make sure he wasn't over heating. We stayed for about 4 innings and then decided to head home. Evan fell asleep in his carrier on the walk to the car and stayed asleep until the next morning. He wasn't even bothered by a diaper and pajama change at home. I guess we can say Evan has a GREAT day!
Sunday, Evan hit a new milestone. No, he still can not crawl! He will get into a crawling position and then he can sit himself back up. The first two times he did it, I missed it! Finally, the third time I got it on video. Since then, he has done it quite frequently. It is crazy how fast the little guy can learn things. He wasn't even trying to do that yesterday, and today he does it at least 7-8 times!