Monday, September 15, 2014

Post 400!! Can you believe it?? The Dentist

400 posts. I have seriously written 400 post about my children. That seems crazy! I love them and I love to keep you all informed!!

It is Margaret's turn at the dentist. 1st time and she hated it!

She was watching Frozen while waiting.

This was the fun part.

She hated having her teeth looked at. Through a huge, kicking and screaming fit! 
We recovered with the paci, that of course needs to be gone. 
We will get there one day.

Overall report. Light plaque and good healthy teeth. He said she would probably need a lot of orthodontic work. Also, she has a strong muscle between her front teeth that will likely cause a gap. Margaret is getting in her eye teeth and is waiting on her two year old molars. Otherwise, she has all of her teeth. She has the fun, crazy, ever unpredictable Mann teeth.

The next day is Evan's turn.

Margaret was not sad to be back like I thought.

Evan wasn't ready for the big boy chair yet. I really thought he would be. Instead we went to the personal room again. He has excellent teeth! We should be flossing more and I am hoping as he gets older that flossing will get easier. He loves to brush his teeth, but still hates the floss animals. He had the Hopper teeth!

OH no, we have hit the two year old tantrums. She sat her screaming because I would not let her climb into the hot oven while I was cooking dinner. 
Dear Margaret, 
One day you will be thankful you aren't covered in burns.
Your mommy

So I was off to barre with two cranky kids, but really need some me time. 
Of course, a second into the car ride they are both asleep.

Margaret finally sat still enough that I got to do three of her nails.
That's all I got, but she loved them.

The kids lost my fit bit, but I finally found it. SO happy!

Evan was thrilled of his train tower. 
He took all of these pictures so he could send them to Grammy and Pops.


Fun outside in this beautiful 70 degree weather. Enjoying it while we can

Sci Tech and Big Girl Bed!

Life is going as normal around the Hopper house. We are trying to enjoy those last few days of summer before school starts.

If you haven't noticed yet, Margaret has quite the personality! 
Eating spaghetti the right way.


Gotta love that smile!

This crazy kid that didn't want spaghetti because its red. 

A sneak peek of Margaret's birthday dress. Made by the amazing Sibling Rivalry.
Do yourself a favor a check her site out:

Buy one get one 1/2 off. Which one did Evan pick?
Spider man!

Back to school shopping spree....great deals!!!

Gotta support those red raiders.

We had a blast with friends at Sci-Tech!!!
The kids building.

Evan making bubbles.


Evan made a pet rock after learning about rocks at story time. 

After Sci-Tech we went to meet Evan's teacher. He is in the same class room as last year, but has different teachers. He seems really excited about school and meeting new friends. 

Lunch with Daddy!

The salsa was hot...

Such a big girl.

Love that smile!

BIG NEWS!!!! Big girl bed is now being installed. 

Evan is clearly loving it haha.

She is all comfy and ready!

Evan loving on his Troy dog.

She just loved getting in and out.

Laying down!

She loved eating corn of the cob.

Not napping in her bed for a week, well this is what happens. Passes out on the couch.

Evan built his own train with tape.
Love his ingenuity. Such a builder.