I can not believe that my little lady is 11 months! That means ONE month away from being ONE!! Holy cow. Where did the time go?
Diapers: Size 3, still with plenty of growing room!
Clothes: 12 months. Some are a little big, but I can't fathom buying 9 months!!
Foods: HOLY COW!! Garbage disposal! Eats anything and everything! Loves fruits and veggies. Any time that anyone has food out she has to have a bite. We are trying to wean off formula and onto whole milk. She loves it!
Speech: Margaret is talking up a storm. I swear she says thank you, look, bye, dada, mama, and she still talks non stop. I just don't understand it!!
Mobility: Margaret is walking!! Now don't get me wrong she doesn't prefer to walk, but she can easily take steps on her on. I think we have had about 10 steps in a row!
Sleeping: Praise the lord. Sleeping through the night! Love it! Too bad both my kids get up at 6 am!
She loves the iphone! Whenever she is in a bad mood, just hand her the phone and she is happy. Is it sad she kind of knows how to use it?? We are raising technology babies in this house...
She loves to clap!!! |
Does this look familiar??? |
Evan, this is MY photo shoot! |
Not happy brother is stealing her thunder!! |
Her new trick: Using her hand to make mouth noises. |
Having fun! |
Hooray a good one!! |