Monday was an interesting day. I went to the doctor at 10:15 to set up my induction and get a final check up. Everything look good. My blood pressure was under control, Margaret was looking good, and everything was set up to head to the hospital on Wednesday morning. Mark and I went out to lunch and then I came home to hang out with Evan. I had been uncomfortable since the appointment, but I figured it was just because I had been checked. Well, three o'clock rolled around and the pain was getting worse. Nothing horrible, but enough that I want to call Mark and have him head home to help me out with Evan. Mark came home about 4:30 and told me to go rest. We figured after I had some water and laid down the contractions would go away. Nope. We called Bill and Sally and they came over about 7:45pm. We put Evan to bed and then went up to Labor and Delivery.
**warning Margaret's birth story is below**
Once we got to labor and delivery, they checked us in and everything happened pretty fast. I was 6cm and my contractions were about 3 minutes apart. They did my blood work and we had to wait about an hour for the results before I could get my epidural. Around 11pm, I finally got my epidural and life was good again :). The nurse figured once I got my epidural my labor would probably slow down and Mark and I could get some rest until the morning. She left us for about ten minutes and I was feeling uncomfortable again, so we called her back in. She checked me and I was fully dilated. They called doctor Boyd and we waited about 15 minutes for her to get to the hospital. As soon as she got there, my water burst all over her. It was very embarrassing, but hey, it happens. Dr. Boyd changed into her gown and I was ready to push. I pushed for four minutes and then Margaret was born!! A very easy labor.
Margaret Grace Hopper was born at 1:04 am! She weighed 7.7 pounds, 20 inches long, and 13 inch head circumference. Perfect in every way!
We are now home and settling in. Life with two kids is crazy! I'll try to update.
Margaret's first picture. |
Checking her out. |
7.7 pounds |
Skinny Mann feet. |
Proud Daddy! |
Mommy and baby! |
Sweet cheeks! |
She has Evan's nose. |
BIG yawn. |
sweet face |
Ready to go home. |
the girls |
Nini loves Margaret |
Daddy and Margaret |
Relaxing |
Ready to go home! |
Loving his sister (but it's just show) |
*aunt* Mandy and Margaret |
First visit with Margaret. |