Let me just start by saying Happy Father's day to all those wonderful daddies out there!! A special shout out to: Bill, Bob, and Mark! The best dad's out there!!
We had a great weekend! Mark and I went to
BJ's for our "date night" on Friday. Evan slept for a good half of it and when he woke up he was actually very enjoyable. It was a great night out with no near death experiences. Thank goodness!!
Saturday we ran a bunch or errands. Evan was perfect once again. I have no idea what has gotten into him, but most of the time he has been a giggly, happy baby. I have my sweet little angel back, at least for a little while...
The best part about this whole weekend is I think I figured out how to get Evan to sleep his 9-10 hours again!! He needs a bottle at night. Saturday night, we gave him a 5oz bottle of milk and surprise he slept all night. He slept from 8pm-6am. It was wonderful!! So, we are going to try that again to night, if it works, I will be making sure to give him a bottle EVERY night.
Anyway, that brings me to our Father's Day. Evan and I made Mark breakfast. It was
ok. Bacon, eggs, and toast. Nothing too fancy! We gave him his gifts. Sadly, one of them was not here yet. Mark then tried his hand at cooking ribs. They turned out yummy. I made some baked beans and mac for sides! The rest of the day we just relaxed. It was 103 degrees outside, so staying inside seemed like a great option.
Well back to spending time with the best dad ever!!
Evan playing with his toys!

Just so you know, Evan does get angry!!

Evan and Daddy at BJ's!

Mommy and Evan at BJ's!!

Evan avoiding sleep!

Evan loves his mommy!

Evan and mommy!!

Holding his bottle....

Happy Father's Day!!

Second outfit for father's day.

Eating my toy!

Waving HI! or maybe doing the claw....