Happy Easter and Happy, Happy Birthday day to my oh so old brother, Bobby!!! HAHA! Love ya!
So, our Easter started out VERY eventful! We came home from bunco last night, yes it was SUPER fun, and got surprised by a low tire. We figured the tire just needed to be aired up, so we drove home on it. As we were coming home, the tire went from low to flat. Luckily, we made it to a gas station and Mark aired it up. For some reason, we thought this would fix the tire. By the time we got home, not five minutes later, the tire was completely flat. We knew then the tire had a hole in it. Mark was a champ and changed the tire at about 1 am. We knew if we didn't fix it that night there was no way we were getting to church, on time, in the morning. Once we had the spare on, we went to bed. We woke up and got ready for church. Once church was over, we went straight to get our tire changed. We didn't want to drive 45 minutes with a spare on! It took about 45 minutes, maybe an hour, but we had it fixed and were ready to head to Arlington.
We went to Arlington and spent a wonderful Easter with Matt, Pops, and Grammy! Evan was a little ball of delight, smiling and giggling almost the entire time. We had a delicious lunch while enjoying wonderful company!! Unfortunately, we had to leave to beat the weather home. We made it safe and sound!
To the rest of my family I didn't get to see, I love you and hope you had a VERY happy Easter as well!!
Last minute add, but there are a few things I have been wanting to say. One, I have always heard if you are calm, the baby is calm. Well, this true. I always feel like I am a calm parent but the other day I was holding Evan and Troy stomped on my foot. It hurt so bad! I yelled at Troy and in agony. Well Evan just started wailing. I guess he could feel my pain. I felt terrible for making him upset, but I was amazed because the second I got upset he did too! I guess it is not a myth!!
Second, we had our first baby melt down. Hooray for being at almost 3 months!! Evan has been such a blissful baby. I know a lot of you think I sugar coat things, but really he is a wonderful baby. Well, tonight he had a screaming hour. It probably only lasted, 15-20 minutes, but it felt like forever. We have never had that moment with Evan where we didn't know why he is crying. Usually, we go through the sleepy, hungry, wet diaper routine and one of them makes him happy. Tonight we tried all and nothing helped. As a last resort I tried holing Evan in front of the fan. It worked!! I guess he was just hot! Here I just want to say, for those of you with difficult babies, you are amazing! I have a wonderful baby, yes I am tooting my own horn, but when he is difficult at least I know it is short lived!
Last, I just want to say, enjoy every single moment. I got very upset the other day because Evan wanted to stare at the tv, which requires me standing and rocking him there. After about an hour of this, I was frustrated. Then, as I was standing there rocking him, I realized, I won't get to do this much longer. Soon he will be moving around and I will be lucky to hold and cuddle him! So moms, I know you are out there, but as hard as it is, cherish every single moment!!!
Evan after a bath!

I love my Mavs!

My first Easter!

"Is that the Easter Bunny?"

My cute feet!

Bunny tail and mommy!

Daddy and Evan!

"It's Easter!!!"

Is that not the saddest face?

Evan can talk...