On Monday, Mark and I went to my normal weekly check up at 3:45. We weren't really thinking much about the appointment, but knew that we would be scheduling our induction sometime later that week or early the next. We went in and did the normal blood pressure and weight check. The nurse said my blood pressure was a little high, but did not seem concerned. The doctor came in a checked me. I was 3cm and still 80% effaced. She stripped my membranes again and told me that the office would be calling me to set up my induction for later that week. Overall, Mark and I thought the appointment went well.
As we were walking out of the exam room, the nurse and doctor stopped us because she wanted to check my blood pressure again. The nurse checked it twice. Still high. The doctor decided that I needed to be induced tonight or tomorrow. WHAT?! We waited for a few minutes while the nurse called L&D to set up the induction. Mark and I were just staring at eachother. This was not how we expected our day to end. While we were waiting, I went to use the restroom. I come out and the nurse and Mark are just standing there looking at me. Mark says, "I hope you are ready! Unfortunately, they were full on Tuesday, so they are going to start the induction tonight!"
I was in shock to say the least. I had left the house that morning for work and had all intention to go back home. It was a surreal feeling knowing that the next time I went home, I would have little Evan with me.
Mark and I went out to the car to grab my hospital bag out (now I am glad I have had that thing in my car since 36 weeks!) and then went and checked in to L&D. I was in the room and hooked up to my
pitocin by 6pm. Sadly, I had not eaten since lunch. I was so hungry and all I could have was ice chips and
At about 6:30pm the doctor came in to check on me. Everything looked good. I was 4cm, so she decided to go ahead and break my water. That was interesting feeling! By 8pm, the contractions were
getting to be unbearable. Let me just say, I do not like contractions. All those women that go natural, YOU ARE AMAZING! At 9pm, I finally had my
epidural and I was feeling great. That is some wonderful medicine. I took a nice little nap and the next time I was checked I was fully dilated. The only problem was Evan was face up, so I was put in some crazy position to try and have him rotate. Low and behold, it actually worked. I starting pushing right about midnight and then at 1:26, Evan greeted the world. We tried really hard to get him out at 1:25, but I guess that was just to early for him. I feel like I had a wonderful labor (as far as labor goes) and I am so thankful Evan and I are healthy and doing well!!
Evan weighed 7lbs and 11oz. He was 19 inches long. He is such a joy to have around and has been such a wonderful baby. We love him!!