Baby Hopper is doing fantastic!!

It was a very weird appointment because we go in and they are asking how we are doing. We reply fine. The doctor does the ultrasound. It takes maybe 5 minutes. He says that Baby Hopper looks completely healthy. Always good to hear.
Then Mark asks, "Well, how did the stomach look?" The doctor looks puzzled. "I didn't know I was suppose to look at the stomach." Mark and I just look at each other. We assumed he had all our paperwork from our other doctor explaining the reason for our visit. I guess not. So, he starts asking us questions about what our doctor saw. Of course, we don't really know since our doctor nonchalantly brought up this problem at last visit. He goes back and does a quick peek at the stomach and says everything looks good. Mark and I feel very un-reassured since he didn't know what he was looking for in the first place. BUT, if the doctor says Baby Hopper is 100% healthy, who are we to not believe him?
We did get some good pictures!!
Baby's Little Feet

Scratching his forehead!

Hand on his face!

Believe it or not....This is a straight on shot of the face. Good Luck :)
Me at 23 weeks!

So all in all, we have a wonderful healthy baby! Thanks for all the prayers!!